monster rancher 4

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Monster Rancher 4 Cheats
Tags: Monster Rancher 4 Cheats, Monster Rancher 4 Cheat Codes, Monster Rancher 4 Hints, Monster Rancher 4 Secrets
Platform: PlayStation 2

Monster Rancher 4 Cheat: Unlock Secret Monsters
By putting various DVDs, games and/or music CDs into the game, you can create secret monsters. Here are some of the monsters that can be created using this technique:

* Baseball Boy: Field of Dreams DVD
* ChaosDragon: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon DVD
* DuckFever: Cats and Dogs DVD
* HipMew: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie DVD
* Kagemusha: Onimusha 1 PS2
* Kasumi: DOA: Hardcore PS2 game
* MahjongKoro: Britney's Dance Beat PS2 game
* Metal Jell: T2 Extreme DVD
* Miku: Fatal Frame PS2 game
* Peacocken: Fischerspooner #1 CD
* Pipo Ape: Ape Escape 2 PS2 game
* Pirate Ape: Splinter Cell PS2 game
* RygaRoller: Rygar: The Legendary Adventure PS2 game
* Surfana: Justin Timberlake Justified CD

Try your own and see what you come up with!

Monster Rancher 4 Unlockable: Drividillo
Use the Gran Turismo 3 disk to unlock a Drividillo.

Monster Rancher 4 Hint: Easy Wins
Here's a good tip for beginning monster ranchers: when training a monster, raise every stat to at least level ten except for power and accuracy, which should be raised to at least level 20. During a battle, such a monster will usually be able to attack past an opponent's defence and can deliver KOs easily.

Monster Rancher 4 Hint: The Perfect Schedule
I find this the easiest way to train your monsters without them getting tired. I put in various ways for the level of the gadget you decide to use:

Week 1: Level 2
Week 2: Level 2
Week 3: Level 1
Week 4: Rest

Week 1: Level 3
Week 2: Level 1
Week 3: Level 1
Week 4: Rest

Week 1: Level 4
Week 2: Rest
Week 3: Level 4
Week 4: Rest

Here's an example of how to do this, I'll use a Level 3 schedule

Speed Training
Week 1: Pitching Mac
Week 2: High Jump
Week 3: High Jump
Week 4: Rest

This work all the time and if the monster has a tiny slither of fatigue in him just use an Oily Oil on him. You can buy them in Visley.

Monster Rancher 4 Hint - Fat Farm
If you feed your monster every week, look at its data, then look at the "size" status. Yeah, I know, it says "fat". You should only feed your monster when it says "hungry" at the bottom-right corner of the screen during free time. And remember to feed it its favorite food. That will up a lot of bonding. Fat monsters can only achieve a low limit of speed, and it makes it hard for them to dodge attacks from opponents. If your monster is still fat and you don't feed it weekly anymore, train it to do high jumps and excersizes (or trampoline and sandbag) and it will lose that blubbery fat that slows it down in battle. But remember to change the schedule to "rest" when your monster is tired, worn out, or exausted. As your monster becomes leaner, notice that the bonding level has gone up since you last saw it. Weight-watching your monster lets it know you care for it and the bonding will go up between you and your constantly growing friend.

Monster Rancher 4 Cheats
Tags: Monster Rancher 4 Cheats, Monster Rancher 4 Cheat Codes, Monster Rancher 4 Hints, Monster Rancher 4 Secrets
Platform: PlayStation 2

Monster Rancher 4 Cheat: Unlock Secret Monsters
By putting various DVDs, games and/or music CDs into the game, you can create secret monsters. Here are some of the monsters that can be created using this technique:

* Baseball Boy: Field of Dreams DVD
* ChaosDragon: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon DVD
* DuckFever: Cats and Dogs DVD
* HipMew: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie DVD
* Kagemusha: Onimusha 1 PS2
* Kasumi: DOA: Hardcore PS2 game
* MahjongKoro: Britney's Dance Beat PS2 game
* Metal Jell: T2 Extreme DVD
* Miku: Fatal Frame PS2 game
* Peacocken: Fischerspooner #1 CD
* Pipo Ape: Ape Escape 2 PS2 game
* Pirate Ape: Splinter Cell PS2 game
* RygaRoller: Rygar: The Legendary Adventure PS2 game
* Surfana: Justin Timberlake Justified CD

Try your own and see what you come up with!

Monster Rancher 4 Unlockable: Drividillo
Use the Gran Turismo 3 disk to unlock a Drividillo.

Monster Rancher 4 Hint: Easy Wins
Here's a good tip for beginning monster ranchers: when training a monster, raise every stat to at least level ten except for power and accuracy, which should be raised to at least level 20. During a battle, such a monster will usually be able to attack past an opponent's defence and can deliver KOs easily.

Monster Rancher 4 Hint: The Perfect Schedule
I find this the easiest way to train your monsters without them getting tired. I put in various ways for the level of the gadget you decide to use:

Week 1: Level 2
Week 2: Level 2
Week 3: Level 1
Week 4: Rest

Week 1: Level 3
Week 2: Level 1
Week 3: Level 1
Week 4: Rest

Week 1: Level 4
Week 2: Rest
Week 3: Level 4
Week 4: Rest

Here's an example of how to do this, I'll use a Level 3 schedule

Speed Training
Week 1: Pitching Mac
Week 2: High Jump
Week 3: High Jump
Week 4: Rest

This work all the time and if the monster has a tiny slither of fatigue in him just use an Oily Oil on him. You can buy them in Visley.

Monster Rancher 4 Hint - Fat Farm
If you feed your monster every week, look at its data, then look at the "size" status. Yeah, I know, it says "fat". You should only feed your monster when it says "hungry" at the bottom-right corner of the screen during free time. And remember to feed it its favorite food. That will up a lot of bonding. Fat monsters can only achieve a low limit of speed, and it makes it hard for them to dodge attacks from opponents. If your monster is still fat and you don't feed it weekly anymore, train it to do high jumps and excersizes (or trampoline and sandbag) and it will lose that blubbery fat that slows it down in battle. But remember to change the schedule to "rest" when your monster is tired, worn out, or exausted. As your monster becomes leaner, notice that the bonding level has gone up since you last saw it. Weight-watching your monster lets it know you care for it and the bonding will go up between you and your constantly growing friend.

5 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

bang itu maksud nya insert DVD/disk maksud nya gimana?
jadi waktu maen masuk ke town shrine trus cabut kaset PS2 monster rancher 4, lalu insert DVD yg di maksud ya??

Anonim mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

Pas ke shrine pilih create
Trus nanti ada 2 pilihan :
1. From soucer
2. From book

Pilih from soucer, trus tinggal ikutin perintah nya

Anonim mengatakan...

Bro... kasetnya dvd itu dr dvd player ta broo... ane binggung tiap masukin kaset dvd/ps ga jd2..

andika mengatakan...

bro .. yng bahasa indonesia nya dong ,, trima kasih dan jgn lupa kunbal nya di

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